Monday, December 16, 2013

Other Arrhythmias

Ventricular Tachycardia-
-appears like a run of PVC's
-usually is significant for coronary artery disease or poor oxygenation of the coronaries
-originates from a single ventricular ectopic focus
-rate 150-250 beats per minute

Ventricular Fibrillation-
-disorganized rhythm of multiple ectopic ventricular foci
-needs to be defibrillated

Torsades de Pointes-
-"Turning on a point"
-can be from magnesium deficiency

Atrial Flutter-
-originates from a single atrial ectopic focus
-Atrial rate of 250-350 beats per minute
-saw tooth pattern

Atrial Fibrillation-
-originates from multiple atrial foci
-atrial rate of 350-450 beats per minute
-irregularly irregular rhythm

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